The Multi-Gun Section runs 3 Gun Nation Club Series events each month weather permitting Along with stages for training when possible. Please contact the Section Director for more information. The contact info is located at the bottom of each page of this website.
The Campbell River Multi-Gun Section will give members a chance to practice 1,2, or 3-gun manipulation in a safe controlled environment, as an individual, or in teams. Members will be able to use non-restricted and restricted Firearms.
On behalf of the Campbell River Gun Club, we welcome you to this dynamic and fast-growing sport and look forward to having you as part of the CRGC-MG Section.
Ear and eye protection are mandatory when entering the range during a Multi-Gun Section event. If you have not attended an event before please stop at the entrance until someone comes to get you. This is for your safety and we appreciate the help with this.
Spectators are welcome but must contact the Multi-Gun Section Director to reserve a spot as we have limited space available due to the setup of safe areas and the course of fire shooting areas.
All events are listed on the CRGC Calendar.
Contact the Section Director (directory here) for additional information or questions.